Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Interactivity 3

Interactivity 3 was a challenging project which asked us to collaborate with other members of our field, as well as research and compile an organized way of presenting a list of technologies that may be helpful to use when teaching in our future classrooms. After meeting with the members of the group the most  difficult aspect was working together via online communication. We were able to create a spreadsheet and share it as a Google document, and using the chat tools we were able to correspond with each other while we worked individually added and edited our list of 10 technologies.
                Our finished product is a simple and effective way of organizing tools and technologies that create a fun and interactive learning experience for students. One interesting and useful technology that I came across while researching, was the GLOBE program. The GLOBE program is an online program that allows students across the country to share lab results with one another. This is an excellent resource for students, because they can compare results and see if theirs match the scientific consensus. Other helpful resources include PowerPoint presentations, online photo galleries, and modeling concepts for students.
                This project works hand in hand with my other education classes this semester -  CURR 314 and READ 411. By organizing these technologies into a spreadsheet I can refer to as a teacher, I can be sure I'm presenting the information to my class in many interesting and different ways. By successfully incorporating as many technologies as possible, I can assure the success of my students, and therefore also assure their ability to excel when assessed.


  1. Kaitlin, can you help me understand the meaning of your last sentence a little bit further? Thanks!

    1. To successfully teach a class full of students, you will need to present the material in numerous ways, by doing so you assure your students understand the content being presenting. An easy way to present the material in multiple ways is by using technologies that are easily accessible and pertinent to your lesson. For example, some students may not fully understand a concept when it is presented on a PowerPoint presentation, but in my field (science) it may be helpful for students to actually see an experiment or a concept performed or "modeled" in front of the classroom. Perhaps an animated clip or a diagram can help students understand difficult concepts that would otherwise be perplexing or baffling. While teaching the lesson it is important to ask questions along the way to gauge your students understanding. By adding different techniques and technologies, I can move my students from the "Zone of Proximal Development" to a position where they have mastered the content you are presenting. After teaching a well rounded lesson students should be able to accurately exhibit their knowledge via assessment or examination. The assessment is also a helpful tool for the teacher, because it not only measures their student’s success, but it measures their own teaching success. It is important to find out what techniques work for the class and what don’t; this will help the teacher to tailor the next lesson to the students, and assure their success.
